The programme of Sinfonietta Cracovia is founded on four main pillars which we call Series: Stars with the Sinfonietta, Sinfonietta Nova, Espresso Concerts and Little Sinfonietta. Formats of these concerts vary greatly, but what they share is the particular care to deliver the highest quality of the performance. We perform both as an extended symphonic ensemble, and as chamber ensembles. We rely on the classics, while exploring new spaces for music.

Stars with the Sinfonietta

Our main series of concerts. Each month in Krakow, artists of international acclaim perform with the Orchestra.
Due to the presence of great names, the series enjoys interest not only of enthusiasts and connoisseurs of classical music. Our guest stars of the music world shine bright in Krakow concert venues: ICE Krakow Congress Centre, Sukiennice (The Cloth Hall) and the Krakow Philharmonic.

Espresso concerts

A series of meetings as short as an espresso shot, held in various branches of Krakow museums, combined with the presentation of a selected work of art to which the concert repertoire alludes.
The series creates favourable conditions to enter the world of music for those who do not regularly partake in the cultural life of Krakow. It is also a proposition for audiences who decide to catch a breath on a Sunday afternoon, and savour both culture and a cup of their favourite coffee.

Sinfonietta Nova

Bold, fresh, progressive, surprising – this is what the concerts in the youngest Sinfonietta Cracovia series will be like. Its title, Sinfonietta Nova, is to be a magnet for what is the most interesting and the most exciting in contemporary music. The partner of the concerts is Teatr Łaźnia Nowa. The post-industrial space of the theatre will be filled with the music of young composers, and new sounds. It is a series of concerts that will expand the musical horizons of our audiences, inviting them to enter the still largely unexplored world of contemporary music.

Little Sinfonietta

The series of musical meetings for the youngest listeners. Each event develops children’s passion for music and strengthens patterns of participating and co-creating culture. Each event combines the concert formula with games developing musical ear and sensibility.
The Orchestra collaborates with, among others, Krakow Children’s Choir, and charitable organisations. The performances are held in unique venues, from open air ones, to cultural centres and schools, to beautiful concert halls.