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Join the Orchestra of the Capital Royal City of Krakow Sinfonietta Cracovia on the journey through its upcoming artistic season.


The Orchestra of the Capital Royal City of Krakow Sinfonietta Cracovia is one of the leading chamber orchestras in Poland. It stands out thanks to the performance versatility it offers.

Sinfonietta successfully translates the chamber music precision and flexibility of the sound for the symphonic ensemble. This is why it is praised for the performances of contemporary music in its various forms (from avant-garde to film music).

Widownia podczas koncertu Sinfonietty Cracovii


Become a Patron

Sinfonietta Cracovia is a municipal institution of culture that draws its vital force from its surroundings, the energy of the city and its residents. This is why we want to include you in the life of the Orchestra, with its good and development in mind.


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