25 May 2024 marks 30 years since the Kraków CityCouncil established the Orchestra of the Capital Royal City of KrakowSinfonietta Cracovia. This year, anniversary celebrations of the ensemble willnot be limited to musical events only—Sinfonietta Cracovia will honour itsjubilee by leaving a green footprint in the form of 30 trees planted indifferent locations across the city in cooperation with the Kraków MunicipalGreenspace Authority (ZZM).
Even before the anniversary concert conducted byDaniel Stabrawa, Sinfonietta Cracovia musicians performed a mini concert amongthe greenery of the Jordan Park. With this event, Sinfonietta Cracovia launchedits collaboration with the Kraków Municipal Greenspace Authority, and the parkgained three new arboreal residents. Throughout the year, in various districtsof Kraków, 30 young trees will be planted to symbolise the 30 celebrated years.
The idea behind the action of planting commemorativetrees is to connect the past with thinking about the future. In near future,Sinfonietta Cracovia will fill the Krakow Music Centre with musical emotionsamong the greenery of the Quite Corner [Cichy Kącik], says Agata Grabowiecka,orchestra director. Krzysztof Penderecki, the mentor and patron of many ofthe Orchestra’s projects was a huge tree enthusiast. The action alsocommemorates his contribution to the development of the ensemble. Thinkingabout the roots, we want at the same time invite new generations of musiclovers to join in, adds Katarzyna Tomala-Jedynak, artistic director andfirst conductor of Sinfonietta Cracovia.
We are glad that an event as momentous as the 30thanniversary of Sinfonietta Cracovia will be celebrated by planting trees inKrakow parks. Trees are the witnesses of our history which is happening rightbefore our eyes. Planting trees is also a beautiful tradition and a form of commemorationof the current and future generations of Kraków residents, explains Łukasz Pawlik, actingdirector of the Kraków Municipal Greenspace Authority.
See also
30 Years of Sinfonietta Cracovia
A strategic cooperation with London Sinfoniett, film scores of Abel Korzeniowski, grand galas featuring the stars of classical music, and the anniversary picnic for Cracow residents – these are but a few highlights of what the directorial duo—Agata Grabowiecka and Katarzyna Tomala-Jedynak—prepared for the 30th anniversary of the municipal orchestra.