Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury

Birthday Little Sinfonietta | musical family picnic
Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury
Katarzyna Tomala-Jedynak conductor
Sinfonietta Cracovia
Waltz from the Symphony no. 8 in G major op. 88 (1889)
Musetta’s Waltz from the opera La Boheme (1896)
Variations on the theme I Got Rhythm (1934)
Morning from the Suite no. 1 Peer Gynt op. 46 (1888)
Romanza Andaluza from Spanish Dances (1882)
Aragonaise from the opera Carmen (1875)
Clair de lune from Suitebergamasque (1885)
Hungarian Dance no. 5 (1879)
A warm June evening, the music of Gershwin, Debussy and Puccini as well asgreen surroundings of the open air stage of the Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury –it’s an invitation for a musical family picnic where everyone can find theirplace; either in the auditorium or on a picnic blanket on the grass. On theOccasion of the Birthday Sinfonietka (which is part of the 30th anniversary ofthe Orchestra) prepared a present for Krakow residents and organized an openair concert in cooperation with Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury.
This time Little Sinfoniette would like to welcome not just the childrenbut entire families and everyone who wants to spend a unique evening inexcellent company. The orchestra led by its first conductor KatarzynaTomala-Jedynak will perform a selection of atmospheric musical themes that willshowcase the world of classical music: from Norway to distant Argentina. Theevent is open and admission is free!
Tickets available online
ul. Jana Pawła II 232