Filharmonia Krakowska im. Karola Szymanowskiego

Lee Reynolds | Sibelius, Suk, Williams, Bacewicz
Filharmonia Krakowska im. Karola Szymanowskiego
Charlie Lovell-Jones violin
Lee Reynolds conductor
Sinfonietta Cracovia
Grażyna Bacewicz Concerto for String Orchestra (1948)
Ralph Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending (1914)
Jean Sibelius Humoresque no. 2 op. 87 op. andno. 1-4, op. 89 (1916-1917), version for violin and orchestra
Josep Suk Serenade for Strings (1892)
British conductor Lee Reynolds will lead Sinfonietta Cracovia during the March concert within the Stars with the Sinfonietta series, presenting a lively yet classically elegant programme. Pieces by four composers: Grażyna Bacewicz, R. V. Williams, Jean Sibelius and Josep Suk willcreate a mosaic of romantic and neoclassical forms which constitutes excellentspace for the artists—both the string orchestra and the soloist—to displaytheir mastery. The soloist, a talented Welsh violinist Charlie Lovell-Jones will perform, among others, the famous Lark Ascending, a piece filled with ablissful admiration of nature, inspired by the poetry of George Meredith. The evening’s programme will also feature the delightful Serenade by Josep Suk,as well as one of the most important pieces by Grażyna Bacewicz – Concertofor String Orchestra.
Tickets available online
Zwierzyniecka 1, 31-103 Kraków